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High and Loud Voice Studio

  /  Voice Care   /  Winter blues

Winter blues

Look after your voice.

With winter fast approaching, most people are prone to sickness, vulnerable to the viruses going around and suffer from bouts of coughing fits (I know, I’ve been there!). Here are ways to protect your voice from the ravages of the cold season.

  1. Stay hydrated: Drink one to two liters of water every day. Dry air and indoor heating during winter can dehydrate your body, including your vocal cords. Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated can keep your vocal cords lubricated and prevent them from becoming dry and irritated.
  2. Bin the cigarettes and do Dry July: Smoking and alcohol can dry out your vocal cords and cause irritation. If possible, avoid smoking and limit your alcohol intake during winter.
  3. Use a humidifier, specially if you are using indoor heating: Adding moisture to the air can help prevent dryness in your vocal cords. Consider using a humidifier in your bedroom or other areas where you spend a lot of time.You can buy a handheld humidifier for less than $50 (2h 18m) or, if you are trying to save money, the good ‘ole approach of putting boiling water (not too hot!) on a bowl, putting a towel over your head and inhaling the steam will also do the trick.
  4. Vocal rest at least once a week is key: Overusing your voice can strain your vocal cords and cause damage. If you feel like your voice is becoming hoarse or tired, take a break from talking or singing and rest your voice. If you are performing onstage or use your voice constantly at work, make sure you find time to rest your voice in-between. Schedule breaks using your phone alarm or one of the free time management apps you can find online.
  5. Invest in a good scarf. Keep your neck warm when you’re outdoors and try not to inhale the cold air.

By following these tips, you can take care of your voice during winter and reduce the risk of developing vocal problems.

Snuggle up!

Coach Marcus

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